How we stand out in the crowd
The field of ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR is a busy market and difficult to navigate. Finding the right partners is vital to truly help your organisation.
This is a wide field. Attending seminars and conferences on subjects such as neuroscience in business, behavioural management techniques, we observe a wide spread of offered wisdom with respect to leadership training, team building, change management, computer human interaction, communication and influencing, behavioural economics, personality types and behavioural preferences. We have learned, applied and still utilise many of the techniques from these areas.
We use a unique combination of three factors to positively impact your organisation.

After over 20 years in management consulting, in the fields of leadership and organisation change, our conclusion is that focusing on observable actions and behaviour works best for promoting rapid, sustainable change. In those 20 plus years, we have applied the latest education techniques and facilitation for training, gathered 360 data for feedback and utilised a range of self-assessment psychometrics. Whilst there is enjoyment, learning and value for people in utilising these techniques, not one of them comes close to effective observation and feedback for measurement, accuracy, speed of change and confirmation of the change working.

Both our behaviour-based development programmes and our behaviour centred change method are based on well researched social and behavioural science. We have built upon Robert F. Bales classic social science work on interaction in groups (Interaction Process Analysis and SYMLOG) to create a modern behavioural observation and measurement framework. We apply our Behavioural Interaction Quotient (BIQ®) concept to achieve rapid behavioural change. The Z Model® is built from the Trans Theoretical Model research for behaviour change by Prochaska, Diclemente et al, as well as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy practice. These have been blended with rich practice in organisational change techniques to create the behaviour centred Business Improvement Method (BIM™). Albert Mandura’s Social Learning Theory is central to our workshops. Participants not only imitate each other but also the tutor. They also experience being held to high behavioural standards and recognise they should hold these standards for all of their work to improve performance.

When clients describe their environment, e.g. balancing high performance targets with rapid change, decreasing levels of human resources and organisational politics, we get it! Not only in theory; we have been in that position because we worked for many years as line managers. We pride ourselves in the “for use in reality” of our approach. Our approach is not lab-based or compiled literature research with a training design to transfer the learning. We are able to contextualise, advise and coach authentically, based on what is realistic, rather than what is ideal.
EZOZ Limited
Cairnduff, 11 Loudoun Street, Stewarton, Ayrshire. KA3 5JD
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